Do not be fearful at this time. I am the God that heals you. Look at how I rescued Shadrack, Meshack and Abendigo from the fire, or Daniel from the lions’ den. Just as I was in the old I am the same in the new. Is not my name physician or doctor? Take courage …
Man with COVID-19 was dying – then God sent a Cleaner
Listen to the confession of a dying man in isolation. With the last forces he prayed to God and after a while God sent to him … a Cleaner!
A way to the only God
Ever since I was a young boy, I have been exposed to various gods, gurus, religions and philosophies of the East and my life was directed towards them. From my deep spiritual and practical experience of living with those various gods and deities, I witnessed raptures, spiritual sensations, some spiritual powers, apparitions, transformations and various …
God is with me
Are we believers because we go to Mass every Sunday? Or, we are not as we do not attend masses? Are we believers if we pray daily? Or is it enough just to believe in God? Thousands of questions and no answers? There is an answer. God is here. Around us. With us. Three years …
How to fight against Corona virus – COVID19?
In 15 days, maybe less in some countries, there was a complete blockage of people, food, services, entertainment. Everything stopped because of Corona virus.
Who thought it would be possible?
Come back to God
A wonderful testimony that can motivate us more to pray and support all our brothers who are on the battlefield to bring salvation to those who are in the shadow of death. Iulian Urban 38 years, doctor in Lombardy: I never imagined in the darkest nightmares that I could see and experience what was happening …